Foods That Lower Blood Sugar Quickly
Your blood sugar controls several different hormonal responses in the body, all of which contribute to your energy, your mood, and even your hunger levels. Healthy blood sugars are also vital to prevent or manage Type 2 diabetes, hypertension and hypoglycemia. Eating a diet that supports your blood sugar can also help prevent obesity.
To take care of your blood sugar, all you have to do is prioritize higher fiber sources of whole foods versus foods lower in fiber, such as foods with refined or added sugars, animal products (which dramatically raise insulin) and most processed foods.
1. Magnesium-Rich Leafy Greens
All leafy greens such as: kale, spinach, romaine, arugula, collards, turnip greens, all lettuces, Swiss chard, dandelion greens and any other green you can think of, are absolutely wonderful for your blood sugar. However, a few are especially rich in magnesium, which acts like a “super nutrient” once it enters your body. Magnesium-rich greens include: kale, spinach, collards, romaine, and Swiss chard, which pack more of a nutritional punch for your blood sugar than other types do.
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